Students begin training with boffers (soft training weapons) and then depending on age and level of experience move to hard boffers, synthetic wasters or blunted steel swords (training swords) supplied by the club.
Protective equipment includes fencing masks (various types) and lacrosse demolitioin
gloves for light / boffer sparring and drilling.
Students are encouraged to purchase a pair of good quality welding / demolition or fencing gloves.
For HEMA fighting club fencing masks are white and indicate the wearer is a beginner or new student. It is preferred that advanced students purchase a black fencing mask that includes top / side / back of neck of head and strengthen or additional throat protection.
HMB Equipment
We have a range of HEMA equipment including hard boffers, training shields, fighting shields, weapons and armour that we can loan you to get you into to your first fight.
Protective equipment includes fencing masks (various types) and lacrosse demolitioin
gloves for light / boffer sparring and drilling.
Students are encouraged to purchase a pair of good quality welding / demolition or fencing gloves.
For HEMA fighting club fencing masks are white and indicate the wearer is a beginner or new student. It is preferred that advanced students purchase a black fencing mask that includes top / side / back of neck of head and strengthen or additional throat protection.
HMB Equipment
We have a range of HEMA equipment including hard boffers, training shields, fighting shields, weapons and armour that we can loan you to get you into to your first fight.
Overtime students are expected to acquire a complete set of protective equipment and training weapons. Please chat to Adrian if you have any questions.
These include:
Students can add additional weapons and equipment such as shields, additional swords, training axe etc.
Overtime students are expected to acquire a complete set of protective equipment and training weapons. Please chat to Adrian if you have any questions.
These include:
- welding, demolition or fencing gloves for drilling or other impact protected work gloves
- cold steel rubber training knife or equivalent
- gauntlets for heavy sparing
- box (male only)
- for HEMA fencing mask (black if possible) which includes top of head, side and back of neck protection
- gorget for front of neck protection.
- shin, forearm, knee, elbow protection
- gambersom / armour / padding to protect torso, thighs, and upper arms
- a steel training sword / axe
- rubber tipped spear
- mouth guard for high contact training
Students can add additional weapons and equipment such as shields, additional swords, training axe etc.

Club T-shirts
Our club t-shirt "Fight like a Viking" in Anglo-saxon runes.
Visit our online shop and order a club shirt or hoodie or use our designs to to print on any of the merchanise offerred by teejunction.
Our club t-shirt "Fight like a Viking" in Anglo-saxon runes.
Visit our online shop and order a club shirt or hoodie or use our designs to to print on any of the merchanise offerred by teejunction.
Safety Equipment - Box and Mouth Guard
Buffalo Sports - Local (Brunswick bases) online sport store with pickup option. Good for things like a mouth guard or box.
HEMA Equipment
Gindi who runs the School of Historic Fencing and the Melbourne Sallee, where we train in Preston, has most of the protective gear you need for sale.
You can check out his gear and prices here -
Other options
Medieval Fight Club - Australian equipment supplier
The Knight Shop - UK based equipment supplier
Purpleheart Armoury - US based equipment suppliers
The Black Armoury - HEMA supplier
SMAI Global - Padded equipment and othr martial arts training equipmnt. The club gets a discoutn so chat to Adrian to arrange a purchase.
Divergent Designs - where we are buying our bosses from. Made in Australia.
Buhurt Tech - range of HMB gear
HMB Soft Kit
Soft Warrior Sparta - high quality HMB soft kit used by the club
Buhurt Tech - we have purchased good soft kit from here
Aleksey Perebeynis - Ukrainian Armourer inc HMB
Rob Hayes Hammer and Scales - Victorian Armourer and weapons maker inc HMB
War Sword - range of training swords available
Equipment Review
Sword Buyers Guide - great website on buying steel swords with a focus on the cheaper end of the market
Buffalo Sports - Local (Brunswick bases) online sport store with pickup option. Good for things like a mouth guard or box.
HEMA Equipment
Gindi who runs the School of Historic Fencing and the Melbourne Sallee, where we train in Preston, has most of the protective gear you need for sale.
You can check out his gear and prices here -
Other options
Medieval Fight Club - Australian equipment supplier
The Knight Shop - UK based equipment supplier
Purpleheart Armoury - US based equipment suppliers
The Black Armoury - HEMA supplier
SMAI Global - Padded equipment and othr martial arts training equipmnt. The club gets a discoutn so chat to Adrian to arrange a purchase.
Divergent Designs - where we are buying our bosses from. Made in Australia.
Buhurt Tech - range of HMB gear
HMB Soft Kit
Soft Warrior Sparta - high quality HMB soft kit used by the club
Buhurt Tech - we have purchased good soft kit from here
Aleksey Perebeynis - Ukrainian Armourer inc HMB
Rob Hayes Hammer and Scales - Victorian Armourer and weapons maker inc HMB
War Sword - range of training swords available
Equipment Review
Sword Buyers Guide - great website on buying steel swords with a focus on the cheaper end of the market
Equipment feature
Demolition gloves make a good option for light sparing espicialy if they include back of thumb and index finger protecttion. Some models have protection behind the knuckles to the wrist. The red and black Trojan gloves pictured left are usually available from Bunnings.